Thursday, May 7, 2009


While The Mexico or Swine Flu keeps frightening people, WHO is still not be able to take a strong controlled action to the disease. On the other hand, the governments try to calm the traders and tourists not to make the economy gets worse.

The Mexico flu appeared suddenly last two weeks with an unclear origin. It has killed people more than a hundred in Mexico transmitted by human to human. The virus is spread to many other countries around the world. The Asian countries have provided the very strict restriction due to the great experiences from Bird Flu and Sars.

This outbreak is like another punishment from the god. It does not only kill a lot of people but also worsens the world economic situation. It scares investors, business people, consumers and tourists which are causing the big impact to everyone, even the relationship among countries.

However, people should not be panic or over act towards the news, but think reasonably to be able to cope with any worse situations in the future. This is to maintain the stability of the world economy for our own good.


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